COVID-19 Family Law Resources: How are courts reacting to the coronavirus? How does that impact your family law case? Resources for parenting time and more are found below.
We will update often with information from federal, state, and local offices, so check back often. If you have questions regarding the impact on your family law case, please call Melissa Pearce and Associates, PLC at (248) 956-6933.
April 2
Governor Whitmer Executive Order suspending in-person instruction for all Michigan K-12 schools.
March 23
Governor Whitmer Executive Order to “Stay Home, Stay Safe.” In-person work is prohibited unless necessary to protect life. There are exceptions, for example security workers and veterinarians.
April 8
Eastern District of Michigan Bankruptcy Court notice for paying fees during the pandemic.
April 6
Eastern District of Michigan Bankruptcy Court Administrative Order 2020-06 extends emergency procedures.
April 3
Eastern District of Michigan Bankruptcy Court notice with new procedures for accepting documents.
April 1
Michigan Supreme Court Administration Office FAQ discussing parenting time during the Covid-19 outbreak.
April 1
Eastern District of Michigan Bankruptcy Court notice detailing changes resulting from the recent closure.
March 30
Eastern District of Michigan Bankruptcy Court notice regarding remote appearances.
March 25
Eastern District of Michigan Bankruptcy Court releases notice following a staffer testing positive for the virus. The courthouse remains closed until April 1 as a result.
March 23
Sixth Circuit Court in Oakland County order extending its emergency procedures.
March 23
Michigan Supreme Court order extending some case deadlines.
March 18
Sixth Circuit Court in Oakland County order. How to file non emergency documents during the pandemic.
March 18
Michigan Supreme Court releases Administrative Order. Due to corona, courtroom occupancy is limited. Additionally, courtrooms must practice social distancing and limit activity to essential functions.
March 18
Michigan Supreme Court releases Administrative Order. For family law matters, courts can only hear in-person motions if “necessary for the safety and well-being” of those involved.
March 16
Sixth Circuit Court in Oakland County order with emergency procedures during the next 30 days.
March 16
Michigan Supreme Court statement that parenting time orders are to be followed unless modified by the court.
April 4, 2020
Melissa Pearce hosted a one-hour webinar on Zoom. She discussed how the current Covid-19 restrictions impact families in transition, in particular, parenting time. She also shared information that parents “need to know” during this ever changing situation. If you missed the webinar, you can watch it on demand HERE.
March 24, 2020
In our latest blog, we offer tips for maintaining healthy relationships during “Stay Home, Stay Safe”. Read the full blog HERE.
March 20
The AAML released, “Seven Guidelines for Parents Who are Divorced/Separated and Sharing Custody of Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic”.
March 18, 2020
We posted a blog on what you need to know about parenting time during COVID-19 crisis. We address common questions, for instance, “What About Spring Break”. Read it HERE.