At Melissa Pearce & Associates, we are serious about placing children first in family law matters. Our main area of practice in family law is divorce with or without children. Our combined personal experiences have taught us how difficult divorce can be on children. Therefore, we guide and educate our clients throughout the process on better ways to get divorce to minimize the emotional toll that is felt by children. Our team instructs you on different ways that you can shelter your children from the negativity of divorce at every step of the case.

According to our founding attorney, Melissa Pearce, children have a right to be children and remain emotionally unaffected by the redefinition of their family. It is her personal mission to change the way parents view children during the divorce process. She wants clients to understand that children are not weapons or tools to exact revenge with.Children are affected, positively or negatively, by the way parents approach the divorce process.

For the children’s benefit, she educates our clients on different ways that can create smooth transitions with minimal emotional outbursts. These transitions are the best gift you can give your children during a divorce.

Our firm is dedicated to speaking openly and truthfully with you about your situation. We explain the future impact that each decision will have on your family. Our track record includes the integrity and honesty that we have with our clients, opposing counsel, and the court. We have demonstrated our dedication to integrity case after case throughout the firm’s history. Our track record, reputation for excellence, knowledge of the law, and dedication to obtaining our clients a fair and equitable settlements has grown out of our personal experiences and our efforts to build long-lasting client relationships.

Contact Us

If you would like to schedule a Pre-engagement Meeting with our client relations specialist to discuss your matter contact us today!

28175 Haggerty Road

Novi, MI 48377

(248) 290-6853

 Contact Us Now

Our Hours

Monday 8-4:30

Tuesday 8-6
Wednesday 8-6
Thursday 8-4:30
Friday 8-6
Saturdays and Evenings by appointment only
Sunday closed

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